About Us

Ńaupany Puma

Ñaupany Puma is a descendant of the Inca people and a pilgrim following the traces of the old Sun tradition. Ñaupany was born in Ecuador where he began at an early age to set out for the path of the Sun Priest.

He spent several years on his own living secluded in nature. Intense experiences taught him the principles of nature and the communication with the forces of the elements. It was also during this time that his deep connection with the Sun developed.

About Ńaupany Puma

“As well as my ancestors, I consider the sun as a living being with an intelligent spirit. Father Sun has taught me much through visions about the great coherencies of life and the wisdom of the light. In the same way Mother Earth has shaped my life intensely.

A message that I received from her many years ago changed my life forever. It was a magical moment as I sensed how Mother Earth told me: Go out into the world and remind all people who have forgotten me that I am their mother”.

How the project start

After that Ñaupany left Ecuador and traveled to far away countries for many years to share his visions and the message of Mother Earth with other cultures. In the year 2000, he founded the INTIÑAN School for ancestral wisdom, with the intention to make the old spiritual teachings available to all people. Today, Ñaupany spreads this knowledge through the events of The PACHAKÚTEC Project.

  • Locavit liberioris possedit
  • Diremit mundi mare undae
  • Spectent tonitrua mutastis

In 2006 was honored with the symbol of the Peace Pipe, Chanupa by the INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL AWARENESS (ICA-USA).